What I’d Tell My 39-Year Old Self

For whatever reason, there’s always a bit of extra reflection when it comes to big milestone birthdays, however old you might be - big ones like 16, 21, 30, 40, 50, 60, 75, etc.

I remember the year I turned 40 was a big one surrounded with contemplation around my life, my career, my marriage, friends, family, etc. It was also the year I’d finally told my parents I wasn't having kids, not because I couldn’t, but just because I wasn’t. I felt a bit of guilt telling them that, because I knew I was disappointing them.

I thought about how far I’d come, what I’d accomplished but also what I thought I would have done by that point in my life. Comparison always seems to creep in no matter how you cut it or admit, but I think that’s just human nature. 

With another big milestone birthday coming up next year, I’m once again in a position thinking about where I am and where I still want to be. With an extra decade under my belt, there’s so much more perspective and maturity that life has afforded me.

I’ve gained more gratitude and appreciation for life and the focus on what’s good and positive within it always brings me back to a level head. 

If I could go back and tell my 39-year old self what her next decade was going to be like and offer some words of wisdom, these are some things I would share:

  • Brace yourself but don’t be scared. This next decade is going to be some of the worst and most painful, but also some of the best and meaningful years of your life. You’ll get through it.

  • Start taking better care of yourself now and don’t take your health for granted. Prioritize your body, mind, and soul. You’ll thank yourself later.

    • Move constantly and lift heavier

    • Get enough sleep

    • Drink tons of water and eat whole, real foods

    • Cook more and order takeout less

    • Wear sunscreen but get more sunlight

    • Get out in nature more

  • Be mindful of the people and things you invite into your life. Protect your energy—it’s precious.

  • Live boldly and take some risks. Don’t let fear stop you from trying something new. Confidence grows when you take action.

  • Do the things you’ve been putting off. There’s never a perfect time. Life is too short to wait for everything to line up just right.

  • If something doesn’t light you up, let it go. Don’t feel obligated to do it.

  • Don’t worry about what others are doing or thinking, it doesn’t concern you.

This list is by no means exhaustive but the thoughts that came to mind immediately as I wrote this.

What would you tell your younger self 10 years ago? I’d love to hear it.


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