Why Is Change So Uncomfortable?

Common sense (and science) tells us that if we just ate better, moved more, got more sleep, stressed less, got outside and had more authentic connections with the people in our life, that we’d be living healthier, happier, more fulfilled lives. These concepts aren’t new.

But why is it so difficult for us to get out of our comfort zone and will ourselves to change little bits of our lives that we KNOW will improve its quality and help us live longer and better?

Why is it so hard to prioritize ourselves and what’s good for us, when we’re so focused daily on making sure we’re putting everyone and everything else at the top of our list? 

  • We get stuff done for work because it’s our job and we have to. Our team and clients are depending on us and we get paid good money to do these things. 

  • Our families require our attention. Our constant love and support, their dependence in many cases on sustenance and how they get by and live their day-to-day. We keep them alive and happy, and when you have kids, you’re also responsible for making sure you’re teaching and raising a good human (kind of a big feat!)..

  • Responsibilities around the house ‘need to get done’, chores and errands need to take place.

So where do YOU come into the equation? 

It’s a tough question most people battle with and honestly, just don’t make time to think about let alone make time to work on. 

It’s the struggle most people have and we stay in this zone because we’re comfortable. Many people think comfort = happiness.

It’s hard to change habits, to change your routine because the resistance you feel in even initiating that first step throws off the equilibrium of your life. 

When you feel that discomfort, it’s just easier to settle back into the routine you know - it runs like clockwork, it’s predictable, everyone on the team (work and fam) know the deal, and everyone can follow along, no questions asked, no pushback.

So even when you try to change, you end up falling back into the cycle which then can start and end countless times, with no change to be seen or felt, and something left stuck unfulfilled.

Undoubtedly, change is uncomfortable. Moving past the resistance you feel mentally and physically when you’re trying to start something new for yourself is the only way you’ll move closer to what you want and the increased feeling of satisfaction in life. And another thing, you have to believe you actually deserve it.

So great, what then do I do about it? 

6 Things To Remember:

  1. No change happens overnight (it took a while to get situated and comfortable in the routine you have now)

  2. Start small–like tiny–if you want to change a habit, routine, thought or emotion

  3. Do that tiny thing consistently before you move on to the next and then level up and add something else

  4. Pat yourself on the back when you accomplish the little wins

  5. Keep effing going. Most people see progress, hit an inevitable roadblock, and just stop. The key to progress is to just keep moving forward, past the roadblocks.

  6. Take it day by day, week to week. Don’t worry about six months for now or a year from now. Focus on the present and what you can do in THIS moment, TODAY.

I’m really enjoying helping people sort out what’s holding them back and getting them on the path to progress, whatever that means for them.

Reach out and let me know what you’re working towards for yourself to keep yourself accountable or if you just need help navigating it all!


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