What Does Fun Mean For You?

In this busy world, many of us are prioritizing everyone and everything else besides ourselves: our career, our kids, our partners, our families, even our pups -- our schedules almost always dependent on other people and our lives always trying to strive to do it ALL. This is the bucket many of my clients sit in. Talk of self-care was on the rise over the pandemic because of heightened stress, but did we actually take the opportunity to do something about it?

We don't always think of it this way but fun and recreation is also a part of health and well-being and playing is a form of self-care. Taking the time to figure out what specific things bring you true joy, make you laugh, loosen you up and take in a deep breath requires attention - and not just what you think is fun or what others think is fun, but what YOU actually enjoy, without input from anyone else.

Brainstorm ways to figure out what fun means for YOU:

  • Make a list of things that sound even slightly fun; even noting things that don't can help!

  • What are some things you've always wanted to do?

  • What did you do when you were younger that you enjoyed but never make time for now?

  • Ask around what others enjoy for ideas - it might be surprising that they'll find it hard to pin down too.

Being on my own quest to identify these things inspired me to share this and I'm still trying to figure it out!


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